Cici Nuraini, Saida Saida, Suryanti Suryanti, Mimuna Nontji


Rhizosphere of bacteria are a group of bacteria that  called PGPR. The use of PGPR is very appropriate at this time because it is abundant and environmentally friendly. The aim of this research is to  isolation and  identification by macroscopic and microscopic  for the rhizosphere bacteria from corn plants on vegetative and generative phase. The method is  qualitative exploratory research  to examine based on data analysis. identify and then give  information. The results is successfully collecting  10 isolates,  among others  5  isolates in the vegetative phase and 5 isolate in the generative phase . The number of colonies in the vegetative phase is 1,089 CFU / ml and the number of colonies in the generative phase is 1,332 CFU / ml. Base on Macroscopic identification obtained varies in the shape of colony, elevation and the edge of  colony, although the colors are all the same ie white. Base on  microscopic all  the shape of bacteria was obtained coccous, except for isolat no. 2 is bacil for the vegetative phase.  All isalat is gram negative.


bakteria; rhizosfer; corn

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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