Utari Masjida, Abdul Haris, Suriyanti Suriyanti


Growth and Production Response of Mustard Greens (Brassica rapa L.) to Combination Doses of Gamal Leaf Organic Liquid Fertilizer and Coffee Peel Waste Compost. Supervised by Dr. Ir. H. Abdul Haris, MP and Dr. Ir. Suryanti HS, M.Pd. This study aims to determine the effect of the dose of liquid organic fertilizer on gamal leaves on the growth and production of mustard greens, to determine the effect of coffee husk waste compost on the growth and production of mustard greens, and to determine the interaction of doses of liquid organic fertilizer from gamal leaves and compost. dose of coffee husk waste on the growth of pakcoy mustard plant production. This research was conducted at the Greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Indonesian Muslim University, Makassar. This research was conducted from November 2020 to January 2021. This study used a Randomized Block Design arranged in a factorial manner with 2 factors. The first factor is the dose of liquid organic fertilizer of gamal leaves which consists of two levels, namely POC of gamal leaves 40 ml/ltr of water and POC of gamal leaves 80 ml/ltr of water. The second factor is the dose of coffee husk compost fertilizer which consists of three levels, namely 50 grams of coffee husk compost / 10 kg of polybag soil weight (20 tons / ha), 75 grams of coffee husk compost / 10 kg of polybag soil weight (30 tons /ha), and 100 grams of coffee husk compost/10 kg of polybag soil weight (40 tons/ha). Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, wet weight of roots, weight of consumption, moisture content, and production per hectare (tons/ha). The results of this study indicate that the administration of POC in gamal leaves has no significant effect on all observation parameters. The application of coffee husk waste compost had no significant effect on all observation parameters. The interaction of Gamal leaf POC and coffee husk waste compost had no significant effect, but tended to give better yields on plant height, number of leaves, root wet weight, wet consumption, plant moisture content and production per hectare.


Pakcoy; POC; Gamal Leaf; Compost; Coffee Leather

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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