Ansar Mangka, Amrah Husma


The physiography of the catchment area at the foot of Mount Latimojong in the Mata Allo River is one part of the Saddang watershed, which is located in Baraka District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, covering an area of 15,915 km2. Land use patterns in the Saddang sub-watershed include forest, shrubs, coffee plantations, pepper fields, upland rice, corn monoculture and peanut-corn intercropping. This watershed needs serious attention because most of its area is on a slope of 15-40%, with erosion hazard (EHL) varying from mild to severe erosion. The loss of soil organic carbon (C-organic) is measured from the soil carried along with runoff, and its magnitude depends on the land use type. The results of the measurement of soil organic matter loss on forest land use were 13.25 kg/ha, bushland 59.55 kg/ha, coffee plantations 365.91 kg/ha, pepper gardens 321.2 kg/ha, paddy fields 383.80 kg/ha, corn monoculture 427.91 kg/ga, corn-peanut intercropping 168.26 kg/ha, and open land without vegetation 659.86 kg/ha. Forest and bushland are the best in conserving soil organic matter. Still, it is economically unprofitable for the community, so the pattern of land use for corn-peanut intercropping can be used as an alternative to agricultural business to maintain and conserve organic C (soil organic matter). 


Erosion, organic C, economic value, land use


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33096/agrotek.v7i2.350


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AGROTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian
ISSN 2581-3021
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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