Ririn Devi syafitri Asri, Edy Edy, Subaedah Subaedah, Suriyanti Suriyanti, Maimuna Nontji


Corn production needs to be increased by minimizing the use of organic fertilizer, this fact is needed now. Therefore, research is needed that aims to determine effectiveness of phosphate fertilization on  growth and production of corn , find out the appropriate dose of liquid supplementary fertilizer in increasing the growth and production of corn, and to know the effect of interaction of phosphate solvent extract and dose of liquid supplementary fertilizer on the growth and production of corn. This study uses a separate plot design, as the main plot is  treatment of phosphate solvent extract (E) with two levels, namely: E0: Control (without fat solvent extract), E1: Extract 10ml / 1 L of water (with Phosphate solvent extract). As subplots are liquid phosphate supplementary fertilizer (C) with 4 levels, namely: C0: Control (without liquid supplementary fertilizer), C1: 10 ml / L, C2: 20 ml / L, C3: 30 ml / L. The results obtained by giving phosphate solvent extract at a dose of 10 ml /L of water have a better effect on plant height, number of leaves and faster flowering age. The application of organic liquid supplementary fertilizer at a dose of 10 ml /L water and 30 ml / 1L water has a better effect on plant height, number of leaves and age of flowering faster. There is no interaction between the administration of phosphate solvent extracts with organic liquid supplementary fertilizer on growth and production planting corn.


fospat; organic metter; corn

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33096/agrotekmas.v1i1.104


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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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