Herul Amin, Saida Saida, Suriyanti Suriyanti, Suherah Suherah, Mahir Gani


Organic compounds are compounds whose constituents consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, halogen or phosphorus. Organic compounds are also known as secondary metabolics. While secondary metabolic compounds are compounds that are not evenly distributed in living things and are only found in small amounts. Generally found in plant organs (especially tall plants) in the roots, skin, stems, leaves, fruit and seed flowers and a little in animals. Organic compounds can be broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia gas and other compounds to be simplified. The decomposing bacteria commonly found can act as decomposers of organic compounds. These bacteria play a role in the cycle of organic elements in a biosphere. The purpose of this research is to find the character of the types of bacteria that can break down or degrade organic compounds. Bacteria that were isolated and identified came from the digestive tract bacteria of native chicken taken from cache, proventriculus, gizzard and intestine. Bacterial isolation method used is the method of sprinkling or pouring on selective media. The test was conducted to see the type and character of bacteria that can degrade cellulose, pectin and starch mixed with MRSA (Man ragosa sharpe agar) media. Isolates that show activity on cellulose, pectin and starch are characterized by clear zones around the colony. Identification was carried out on isolates that showed the highest clear zone index based on the results of testing the activity of cellulose, pectin and starch. In this study there were 15 bacterial isolates which were isolated, 2 isolates from cache, 5 isolates from proventiculus, 5 isolates from gizzard and 3 isolates from intestine. Among these isolates were found 4 types of bacterial characteristics of coccus and 11 types of bacterial bacterium characters.


organic compounds; bacteria; isolation; degradation

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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