Dadan Hidayat, Amir Tjoneng, Saida Saida


This study aims to determine the actual and potential land suitability of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and its limiting factors in West Malangke District, North Luwu Regency. The land survey was carried out with reference to the land unit, consisting of compilation of basic data, field exploration, soil description, soil sampling, laboratory analysis and land suitability assessment of cocoa plants. The research method is the FAO method which is carried out by collecting data such as rainfall data for the last 10 years of West Malangke District obtained from BMKG Maros and collection of basic maps such as land use maps, soil type maps and slope maps obtained from BPKH (Forest Area Consolidation Center) Region II Makassar. The maps are overlaid / overlapping to get 5 land units which are then grouped based on land use and soil sampling which is then analyzed in the laboratory. The properties analyzed were adjusted to the information required in land suitability studies based on the FAO method. The results of the analysis were evaluated for land suitability classes, for cocoa plants based on the characteristics of the specified land.



Cocoa Plants, Land Evaluation, West Malangke District

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33096/agrotekmas.v1i3.114


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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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