Herawati Herawati, St Subaedah, Saida Saida


The Effect of Mycorrhizal and Compost Applications on the Growth and Production of Soybean Plants. Supervised by St. Subaedah and Saida. This research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of mycorrhizal applications on the growth and production of soybean plants, to determine the response of soybean plants to compost and mycorrhizal applications and to determine the effect of compost dosage on mycorrhizal media on growth and production of soybean plants. This research was conducted at the Green House and Soil Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Muslim University of Indonesia. It took place from August to November 2020. The materials used in this study were soil, sand, mycorrhizae, compost, NPK, soybean seeds, polybags 30 x 40 cm in size, distilled water and alcohol. This research was designed with a randomized block design consisting of five treatments, namely without mycorrhizal and without compost (M0), mycorrhizal application without compost (M1), mycorrhizal application + compost 10 g / polybag (M2), mycorrhizal application + compost 15 g / polybag. (M3) and mycorrhizal application + compost 20 g / polybag. Each treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 15 experimental units. The results showed that mycorrhizal application gave a better effect on plant height than without mycorrhizae, mycorrhizal and compost applications had a better effect on pod weight and soybean seed weight per plant, mycorrhizal application and compost at a dose of 20 g / polybag obtained per the tallest plant.


Kedalai; Mycorrhiza; Compost

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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