Pajri Agustiawan, Ayu Kartini Parawansa, Mahir S. Gani


PAJRI AGUSTIAWAN (08220160081) Phytopthora palmivora Butler, is one of  the most damaging pathogens for cocoa in the world, it can not only attack the cocoa pods in plantations but are also found on the leaves and stems. P. palmivora will cause symptoms of Black pod. P. palmivora is the most important disease in cocoa cultivation in all over the world, including Indonesia, so that due to the attack of this pathogen, besides drastically decreasing production, it can also cause crop failure and yield quality. The success of developing superior cocoa clones that are more resistant or tolerant to P. palmivora infection is highly dependent on the availability of cocoa clones resistant to P. palmivora infection as parent donors. This study aims to determine the results of the detached pod test of several cocoa pod clones against P. palmivora. This research was conducted at the Disease Laboratory. The materials used in this study were 70% alcohol, aquadest (sterile water), plastic wrap, sick cocoa pods and healthy cocoa pods from clones M01, MCC 02, SULAWESI 1 and SULAWESI. 2 taken from several smallholder plantations in the district. Tomoni Kab. East Luwu. This research was conducted to see the cocoa pods that had been infected with the fungus P. palmivora Butler based on the detached pod test with pericarp tissue injury using the inoculation method. So that it can be seen the percentage of fruit attack of each clone against infection with fruit rot disease. The number of clones used was 4 clones, repeated 5 times and obtained 20 experiments. Based on the detached pod test results of several cocoa pod clones against P. palmivora from day 2 to day 7 observations showed that the clones of MCC 02 (25.69 cm2) while clones of Sulawesi 1 (42.60 cm2), Sulawesi 2 (45 , 38 cm2) and M01 (48.78 cm2) so that MCC 02 fruit was more resistant to P. palmivora than the other three clones.


Cocoa, Phytopthora; palmivora;, Detached; pod

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33096/agrotekmas.v2i2.186


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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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