Nur Aqidah, Bakhtiar Ibrahim, Maimuna Nontji


This study aims to determine the best composition of wood sawdust and chicken manure on the macronutrient content of organic fertilizers made from sawdust and chicken manure, to determine the best effect of volume Effective Microorganism-4 (EM-4) on macronutrient content in organic fertilizer based on wood sawdust and chicken manure waste, to determine the interaction effect of organic fertilizer composition and volume of Effective Microorganism-4 (EM-4) on organic fertilizer based on wood sawdust and chicken manure waste. This research was conducted in Pekaloa village, Towuti sub-district, East Luwu district, South Sulawesi province. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of two factors. Factor 1 is the ratio of agathis wood sawdust: chicken manure waste (1kg: 3kg, 2kg: 2kg and 3kg: 3kg). Factor 2 is the volume of Effective microorganisms-4 (50ml and 150ml). The results showed that the best composition of organic fertilizer was the composition with a comparison treatment of 1kg of wood sawdust: 3kg of chicken manure which had the highest N and P values of 0.51% and 12.94 mg/100g, the composition with a comparison treatment of 3kg of agathis wood sawdust. : 1 kg of chicken manure which has the highest K value of 1.36%, the composition with a comparison treatment of 2 kg of agathis wood sawdust: 2 kg of chicken manure which has the highest C-Organic value of 6.21%. The best volume Effective microorganism-4 (EM4) is 50ml EM4 volume which has the highest K and C-Organic values of 1.36% and 6.21%, 150ml EM4 volume which has the highest N and P values of 0.51% and 12.94 mg/100g. Interaction Comparison of sawdust and chicken manure with the addition of EM4 gave a very significant effect on all nutrient content except nitrogen content


Effective microorganism-4; Chicken Manure; Macro Nutrients (N, P and K) Organic Fertilizer; Wood Sawdust

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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