Abdul Aziz, St. Sabahannur, Andi Ralle


This study aims (1) to determine the effect of the type of plastic packaging on the quality of tomato fruit, (2) to determine the effect of the number of suitable perforations on the quality of tomatoes, (3) to determine the interaction effect of the type of plastic packaging and the number of perforations on the quality of tomatoes. The research will be carried out from May to July 2021 at the Post-Harvest Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Muslim University of Indonesia. The study was arranged using a completely randomized design (CRD) method with a two-factor factorial pattern and was repeated 2 times. The first factor is the type of plastic with 3 levels of treatment, namely: polypropylene plastic, polyethylene plastic and plastic wrap. The second factor is the number of perforations in each type of packaging with 4 levels of treatment, namely: no perforation holes, 2 perforated holes, 4 perforated holes and 6 perforated holes. Parameters observed were weight loss, determination of vitamin C content, total dissolved solids (TPT), color organoleptic test and texture organoleptic test. The results showed that tomatoes in polypropylene (PP) plastic packaging could maintain quality with a low weight loss of 4.74%, the highest Vitamin C was 5.03%. The number of perforated holes as many as 4 had the lowest weight loss of 4.35%, the highest vitamin C content was 6.15%, except for the highest total dissolved solids, which was 51.66% in the treatment without perforation holes. Storage of tomatoes in polypropylene (PP) plastic packaging with four (4) perforated holes can maintain the orange skin color with a score of 5.30 and a slightly soft and smooth texture with a score of 2.80 at the observation of 21 days of storage.


Tomatoes; Perforation Hole; Packing Type

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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