Sulfa Sulfa, Edy Edy, Andi Ralle


This research was conducted in Bontonyeleng Village, Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency from July 2022 to September 2022. This study aims to determine the effect of spacing and application of kcl fertilizer on the growth and production of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.). The experimental design used in this study used a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 4 treatments and 3 replications so that there were 12 combinations which consisted of 36 experimental plots. As for the treatment, namely the spacing of (1) 40 cm x 30 cm, (2) 40 cm x 40 cm, (3) 40 cm x 50 cm and (4) 40 cm x 60 cm while for KCl fertilizer with 3 levels, namely 0 kg/ha (0 g/plot), 150 kg/ha (15 g/plot) and 300 kg/ha (30 g/plot). Parameters observed were plant length, number of leaves, 50% flowering age, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight per plant, number of fruit per plant, fruit weight per plot and production/ha. The results showed that the treatment with a spacing of 40 cm x 60 cm and the application of KCl fertilizer 300 kg/ha (30 g/plot) gave the best results on plant growth and production with a plant length of 75.17 cm, number of leaves of 13.81 leaves. , 50% flowering age was 28.60 hst, fruit length was 28.89 cm, fruit diameter was 16.69 cm, number of fruit per plant was 1.72 fruit, fruit weight per plant was 440.97 gram, fruit weight per plot is 4.83 kg and production/ha is 34.50 tons/ha.


Cucumber; spacing and application of KCl fertilizer

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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