A. Syawal Al Muamalah, Amir Tjoneng, Muhammad Munawir Syarif


This research was conducted from February 2022 to March 2022. This research uses the Wischmeier Method (1978) to calculate the Erodibility Value of Soil on Slope Slopes above 15%. Research conducted in the Jenelata watershed in determining the value of K shows that there are variations in the level of soil erodibility in the study area and it is known that the level of soil erodibility consists of high, rather high, medium and low levels. The low value of soil erodibility on rather steep and very steep slopes on land units U13, U2, and U6 with soil types Typic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts then followed by soil types Typic Haplustepts having values of 0.12; 0.15 and 0.22; The influence of the low value of soil erodibility on slopes above 15% is caused by the high content of soil permeability with an average of 31.37 cm/hour with a fast rating, and the low content of fine sand which is an average of 7.43, dust on average with an average of 62.72 and an average high clay content of 124.25 , so erodibility which is the ability of the soil to withstand erosion that occurs and has a low soil erodibility value but is on a rather steep, steep to very steep slope but still has a possibility of erosion. It is known that land units U1 and U11 have the highest K values with Inceptisol soil types on steep to very steep slopes of 42% to 62%. Based on the results, it can be concluded that, the erodibility value of the soil in the Jenelata watershed, Gowa Regency with several land units on the Slope Slope above 15%, namely slightly steep, steep to very steep, varying from low to high level with a value of 0.12 – 0, 53. The influence of slope is not the main factor of the magnitude of the erodibility value that occurs but there is a role or influence of the physical properties of the soil, including: texture, organic matter, structure and permeability.


Watershed; Erosion; conservation; Permissible erodibility; Soil Erodibility on Slope Slope

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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