Musdalifa Musdalifa, Ayu Kartini Parawansa, Arifin Tasrif


Wheat is one of the cereal commodities which is a daily food in large quantities for the world's population. The high import of wheat into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia also allows the entry of quarantine plant pest organisms (OPTK) category A1, namely plant pests that do not yet exist in Indonesia. The OPTK in wheat germ are Tilletia tritici (syn Tilletia caries), Tilletia indica Mitra and Tilletia laevis (syn Tilletia foetida). This study aims to detect and identify the presence of the fungal pathogen Tilletia spp on imported wheat seeds. This research was conducted at the Makassar Agricultural Quarantine Center Laboratory. This study used samples of imported wheat seeds from Ukraine, the United States (USA), Canada, Australia, and Maldova using the washing test method. The results showed that wheat from the United States (USA) and Maldova was positive (+) infected with the fungus Tilletia spp, and wheat from Ukraine, Canada and Australia was negative (-) Tilletia spp. Detection and identification showed that wheat seeds from the United States (USA) found Tilletia caries (syn. Tilletia tritici) and Tilletia indica Mitra, wheat seeds from Maldova found Tilletia foetida (syn. Tilletia laevis).


Detection; Tilletia spp; Tilletia caries (syn. Tilletia tritici); Tilletia indica Mitra; Tilletia foetida (syn Tilletia laevis)

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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