Rahmad Rahmad, Saida Saida, Suriyanti Suriyanti, Amir Tjoneng


This study aims to determine the effect of the type of sawdust, the addition of lime and the provision of EM4, and the interaction of various types of planting media with the addition of lime and the provision of EM4 on the growth and production of white oyster mushrooms. This research was conducted from January to April 2023. The research was conducted at Polman Oyster Mushroom, Kuajang village, Binuang sub-district, Polewali Mandar district. This study used a factorial pattern Randomized Group Design.  The first factor is sawdust, which consists of 3 levels: amola, teak, and kasambi. The second factor is EM4 and Lime, which consists of 3 levels: control, 5 g lime 5ml EM4, and 10 g lime with 10 ml EM4. Teak sawdust planting media gave the best effect on the diameter of the mushroom hood, which reached 7.44 cm, stalk length of 5.48 cm, and fresh weight of 60.04 g. Meanwhile, the addition of lime 5 g and kasambi gave the best effect on the diameter of the mushroom hood. Meanwhile, the addition of 5 g lime and 5 ml EM4 gave the best results on the length of the stalk, which was 5.09 cm, and the fresh weight of white oyster mushrooms was 55.69g. Although the interaction between wood powder planting media with the addition of lime and EM4 did not show a significant effect on all parameters, the treatment with teak wood powder added with 5 g of lime and 5 ml of EM4 tended to give better results.


EM4; White Oyster Mushroom; Lime; Amola Wood Powder; Teak Wood Powder; Kasampi Wood Powder

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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