Gusriani Usman, Netty Syam, Hidrawati Hidrawati


This study aims to determine the effect of the application of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and Trichokompos on the growth and production of cayenne pepper plants. This research was arranged with a randomized group design (RAK) character pattern with 2 factors, namely the first factor, the application of Trichokompos fertilizer concentration with 3 levels; control, concentration of 300 grams, concentration of 600 grams. The second factor, namely, the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) has 4 levels, the first is control, concentration of 40 ml / liter, concentration of 50 m / liter and concentration of 60 ml / liter. Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that 36 research units were produced. The parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of branches (productive stalks), flowering time (days), analysis of the soil used, chlorophyll content test on leaves concentration of liquid organic fertilizer. Hail this research obtained that (LOF) 60 ml liter-1 of water gives a good effect on the growth of cayenne pepper plants at a 35-day-old plant height of 48.29 cm and the weight of the fruit per plant is 135.67 g, in three harvests. The concentration of Trichokompos with a dose of 600 grams plant-1 gives a good effect by producing fruit weight per plant 135.67 in three harvests. The interaction between the two, namely LOF and Trichokompos, gives good results with the highest 48.29 cm, the chlorophyll content is 144.02 mg g-1, in three harvests


Liquid organic fertilizer; trichocompost; cayenne pepper; growth; production

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33096/agrotekmas.v5i3.651


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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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