ISOLASI DAN MORFOLOGI CENDAWAN Phytopthora palmivora Butl PADA BATANG KAKAO (Theobromae cacao L)

Nunung Afriati, Ayu Kartini Parawansa, Abdul Haris


Insulation and morphology of phytopthora palmivora butl fungus on the cacao stem (Theobromae Cacao L). Research aims to: 1) to determine the main disease of Phytopthora Palmivora in cacao stems. 2) To find out the characteristics of the morphology of palmivorous phytopthora pathogens in cacao stems. This research was carried out in dillaboratorium and in the field in the People's Cocoa Gardens. For the implementation of laboratories carried out in Plant Diaboratorium and Plant Diseases, Indonesian Muslim University and Hasanuddin University Laboratory and Disease. The materials and tools used are cocoa plants that have been tumuh in people's plants, tweezers, scissors, stationery, PDA media, petri dishes, erlenmeyer. The result of the four-clon cancer isolation shows symptoms, namely Klon M01, MCC 02, Sulawesi 1 and Sulawesi 2 has been found by Phytopthora Palmivora. The results of the inventory found there were three pathogenous fungi from the section of the stem that showed stem cancer, namely phytophthora palmivora, rhizoctonia, and fusarium. It is better to do further research to find out the role of these funglaces to plants, and control that can be done when the fungus is antagonistic about plants


cocoa; isolation; clone; cancer stem

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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