Abdul Akbar, Amir Tjoneng, Saida Saida


Abd. Akbar (08220170109). Erosion Hazard Index Analysis of Kampili Watershed, South Sulawesi Province. Supervised by Amir Tjoneng and Saida This study aims to determine the Erosion Hazard Index in the Kampili Watershed, South Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in the Kampili watershed which is part of the Jeneberang watershed. The Kampili watershed is administratively located in the Pallangga District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research was carried out from February 2021 to March 2021. This research used the Wischmeier method (1978) or USLE to calculate the Erosion Prediction and determine the IBE value using the Hammer equation, (1981). Research conducted in the Kampili watershed obtained predictions of erosion that occurred (A) for each land use, namely, the use of agricultural land had a value (A) of 110.30 tons/ha/year, medium-density mixed gardens had a value (A) of 281.93 tons. /ha/year, for the use of paddy fields with an erosion prediction value (A) of 4.07, while open land has an erosion prediction value (A) of 863.01 tons/ha/year. The allowable erosion value (EDP) for each land use, namely the use of cultivated land the EDP value is 17.63 tons/ha/year, medium-density mixed gardens are 15.95 tons/ha/year, the use of paddy fields has a value of 16.30 tons/ha /year and open land has a value of 12.22 tons/ha/year. The results of the study The value of the erosion hazard index (IBE) on the use of cultivated land was 6.26, medium-frequency mixed gardens was 17.68, the use of rice fields was 0.25, while in open land it was 70.62. For land with a very high erosion hazard index, efforts are made to reduce the erosion hazard index value, namely by making land improvements in the form of rotational cropping patterns added with straw mulch, sequential cropping patterns added with crop residue mulch, making terraces and planting based on contour lines so that the value of The erosion hazard index decreases to low and moderate levels


River Basin Area; Erosion; conservation; Permissible Erosion; Erosion Hazard Index

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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