Mustafa Inal AS, Annas Boceng, Muhammad Munawir Syarif


Mustafa Inal AS, 082 2016 0073, Sustainability Study of People's Cocoa Plantation in Tapalang District, Mamuju Regency. Supervised by Annas Boceng, Advisor I and Munawir Syarif Advisor II. This study aims to determine the sustainability index and sensitive attributes in influencing the sustainability status of smallholder cocoa plantations in Tapalang District, Mamuju Regency. To obtain data and analyze the data, data collection was carried out by searching for secondary data and primary data, where a random number of farmers filled out questionnaires from several villages in Tapalang District and processed with the MDS application (multidimensional scaling system) and determined the scoring status. sustainability according to a predetermined sustainability index. The research was conducted in Tapalang District, Mamuju Regency, using primary and secondary data. The data was processed using the Rap-Cocoa technique with the MDS (multidimensional scaling system) method. Ordination analysis with MDS to determine the position of sustainability status on each dimension in the sustainability index scale and perform a leverage analysis to determine the dominant attributes that affect sustainability. The results of the Rap-Cocoa analysis using the MDS method show that the value of the sustainability index of smallholder cocoa plantations in Tapalang District is 42.01 in the category of less sustainable status. The index value and sustainability status of smallholder cocoa plantations in Tapalang District in each dimension are also in the status of the Less sustainable category with varying sustainability index values, namely the environmental dimension of 44.23, the economic dimension of 37.99, the social dimension of 45.12 and the technological dimension. of 37.47. The results of the sensitivity analysis (laverage) show that for the key indicators that affect the improvement of the sustainability status of smallholder cocoa plantations in Tapalang District, namely the environmental dimension; ownership of cocoa plantation area of farmers, land ownership status of cocoa plants, cocoa cultivation patterns, availability of cocoa plantations. On the economic dimension; the number of workers used in the cultivation of cocoa plants and cocoa products marketed by farmers. On the social dimension; employment rate, other occupations besides cacao cultivation and cocoa plantation ownership. On the technological dimension; processing technology for cocoa beans before sale.


sustainability index; sustainability analysis; Rap-Cocoa analysis

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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