Nurulhikma Fadilla Sulfitri, Ayu Kartini Parawansa, Mahir S. Gani


This study aims to determine the isolation and intensity of downy mildew (Peronosclerospora philippinensis) on maize (Zea mays L.) in Maros Regency during the 2022 planting period. This research was carried out on agricultural land in Pucak Village, Tompobulu District, Maros Regency and at the Pest Laboratory. and Diseases of the Indonesian Muslim University and the Hasanuddin University Disease Laboratory. This research was carried out for 3 months, starting from June to August 2022. The materials and tools used were leaves that were attacked by downy mildew, 2% sugar water, methylene blue, aquades, microscopes, scissors, glass objects, masking tape, tissue towels, plastic clips, camera and stationery. This study uses a survey method by direct observation in the field. Downy mildew leaves are taken and then taken to the laboratory to identify the fungus that causes downy mildew. Based on microscopic observations, Peronosclerospora philippinensis species were found with ovoid shape and thin walls. The results of the observation that the intensity of downy mildew in the field in the first month was 20% with the moderate attack intensity category, then in the second month it increased to 70.2% with the severe category and in the third month which was the highest attack intensity with an average of 96.7%. with the puso category which means that of the 30 plants observed, 29 were attacked by downy mildew. The attack intensity which reaches 96.7% can no longer be used as a seed source.


Corn; Downy mildew; Isolation, Intensity

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AGrotekMAS Jurnal Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
p-issn = 2723-6196; e-issn = 2723-620X
Published by Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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